H.O.P Church
House of Peace

​About Online Church
It was a burning desire deep within my heart to do something for the kingdom of God
through Media. As god has given me exposure to technical knowledge I had an urge
within me to get involved in media ministry and reach people through the same.
God enabled me to participate in a conference in which there was a special session about
Media Ministry. My heart was ignited as I was seated there, the Spirit of the Lord was
clearly revealing to me His will and purpose.
The desire kept increasing within me day by day. One particular day God intervened through His powerful word. He alerted me of a time when the word of God would become rare. I felt the urge to start doing something for God and wasn’t able to rest till I found the way of starting the Mission.
And thus HOP Online Church was initiated. At present our Sunday worship service is streamed online every week. This is just a humble beginning. We are moving forward with a Vision to reach many lost and isolated souls soon for His glory!!!
Our Ministries
Worship - We have Tamil worship services on Sunday mornings at 7 am, 9 am and at
6:30 in the evening.
Evangelism - On Sundays we have a team of people who do door to door evangelism in
the community. Through this initiative we reach out to the unreached people in the community.
Bible Study - Every month on the first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6:30 pm we
have Bible Study in the Church. Through these classes the believers and leaders are trained
in ministry and taught about the basics of the word of God.
Prayer – On Fridays we have Women’s Prayer at 10 am to mobilize prayer for all the ministries. We have a good team of interceding people who keep growing in numbers by the grace of God.
Campus Ministry – We have our fellowships for students inside their campuses in Schools and Colleges and encourage them to live out their lives for Jesus. We do conduct seminars and retreats to motivate them to grow in Christ and get rooted.
Kids Service – Every Sunday during worship service timings we have regular service for the Kids in the morning and the evening. Once in three months we conduct special service for them to lead them in their spiritual life. Once in a year we conduct Vacation Bible School for the Kids.
Kids Out Reach – In addition to the kids ministry in the church we also reach out to the kids in few fishermen villages on the East Coast. Every Saturday we reach out to over 100 kids in those places. Twice in a year we gather them for a combined event.
Online Church – On Sundays we broadcast our worship services online. We started the Online
Church ministry in the month of March in 2011. Every now and then we conduct prayer events online to build and bless our online community.
Care Cells – On Wednesdays we conduct Care Cells in different areas in the house of believers. Here Evangelism and Nurturing takes place. Through care cells many people start attending Church services and they also grow personally in their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Networking with other Churches – Every now and then we visit newly pioneered churches and growing churches with our Evangelism team and help them in evangelism work in their community. We do door to door evangelism in their areas to help the churches grow.
What We Believe?
About God
There is one true God. He exists to reveal himself in three persons – Father, Son and
the Holy Spirit.
Genesis 1:1, 26, 27
About Man
Man is of fallen nature. He needs redemption by the blood of Jesus. He needs the grace of
God to be saved.
Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:8, 9
About Jesus Christ
Jesus is the son of the Living God. He was born of a virgin by divine conception. He led a sinless life. He was crucified on the cross for our sins. He rose again from death on the third day. He is now at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. He will soon come back in His glory to take us to be with Him forever.
Isaiah 9:6, Acts 1:9 – 11
About Salvation
Man cannot save himself by his deeds. He can only be saved by having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The moment he accepts Jesus into his life, eternal life begins.
Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8, 9, John 14:6
About Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is an equal personality like the Father and the Son as God. He makes us aware of our sins and the need for a Saviour. He helps in understanding the spiritual truth and guides us in the right way.
Acts 1:8, John 16:13, John 14:16
About the Bible
The Bible is divinely inspired. It is the supreme source of truth. It is without error and is the authoritative standard for living.
2 Timothy 3:16, Psalms 119:105, 160, 2 Peter 1:20, 21
About Baptism
Immerse water Baptism symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. By taking baptism one declares his/her faith in the Lord Jesus publicly. It is a biblical command and it demonstrates our love and obedience to Christ.
Colossians 2:12, Matthew 28: 19, 20
About Communion
Communion is an ordinance given to us to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Bread and wine symbolize His broken body and the shed blood.
Matthew 26:26 – 30, Mark 14: 22 – 26. 1 Corinthians 11: 23 – 29.